Bajaj Auto has launched the Pulsar N125 in the Indian market. Bajaj has made this model with Gen-Z riders in mind. The bike has a fully digital LCD screen with Bluetooth connectivity. The company claims that this is the most powerful bike in the 125CC segment and the fastest to achieve a speed of 0 to 60kmph.
This motorcycle is available in two variants – LED Disc and LED Disc BT. The standard variant of the bike is priced ex-showroom at Rs. 94,707, while the top-spec LED Disc BT trim costs Rs. 98,707 (both ex-showroom) available. It is positioned between the Pulsar 125 and the Pulsar NS125 in the Bajaj Pulsar bike lineup. It will compete with bikes like TVS Rider, Hero Extreme 125R.
Bajaj Pulsar Design:
7 color options will be available;
The Bajaj Pulsar N125 has Z-shaped LED DRLs around the LED headlights. Its tail lights are also an LED unit and the indicator bulbs are of the type. Its tank extension is quite aggressive, giving the bike a sporty look, and single piece grab rails are provided at the rear. Its fork has a plastic cover that provides protection from dust.
The bike also features a split-seat setup and an underbelly exhaust. It will get 7 color options. The top model LED Disc BT will be available in three color options – Ebony Black/Cocktail Wine Red, Pewter Grey/Citrus Rush and Ebony Black/Purple Fury. At the same time, the LED disc variant is available in 4 colors – Pearl Metallic White, Ebony Black, Cocktail Wine Red and Caribbean Blue.
Bajaj Pulsar N125: Performance
For performance, 125cc in the motorcycle , There is a single-cylinder, air-cooled engine, which generates a maximum power of 11.8hp and a peak torque of 11Nm. The engine is tuned to a 5-speed gearbox for transmission.
Bajaj Pulsar N125: Hardware and Features
For a comfortable ride, the bike has telescopic front forks and monoshock suspension at the rear. At the same time, a front disc and rear drum setup is provided for braking, with CBS support available for safety.
Talking about the features, it has an LCD instrument cluster with Bluetooth connectivity, although the screen size and Bluetooth option differ between the two variants. Apart from this, it also has a USB charging port.